Oh, right...
So, I titled my last post "Pepper Spray." And there WAS a reason for that. I just can't quite remember what I intended to tell y'all about pepper spray. Man, I bet it was a GOOD story. A really good story!
I feel amazing right now. Sick with this cold all week (still got it - but WHO CARES), having that female thing (not the same female thing Maggie has - oh no, mine would be the opposite), having to get up crazy early to drive to local seminars (so much easier to just sleep in till six in a hotel room in the same hotel where I am doing the seminar, roll out of bed, shower, dress, walk to the elevator...), and contributing to my co-workers tears.... Last night, I got home from the NSA seminar, ate some food, put on some really cozy fleecy PJs (it is FREEZING), and pretty much passed out around 8:00pm. Proceeded to get 12 hours of sleep. So yeah - fantastic.
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