Late to the Dance

Life really did get better at 40. Not perfect, but better. Great job, bad, bad hair, good TV, bad books, not enough exercise, bad doctor, a few good flicks, loser in the "relationship" department, good visits with Erin... See, lots of good stuff but too many bad things that I still have to work out. So this is me, working it out.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Andrea Enchanted

I am having such a bad hair day. So flyaway-frizzy. Uncontrollable! And my face is breaking out like crazy. I feel like a mess. Perfect time to speak to an intimate group for six hours about notary law and identity theft. I can handle the bad hair - but why am I breaking out like a teenager? Does stress bring on pimples?

Best moment of the day - I order a cup of coffee on the plane, turn my head to close my eyes for a moment, wake myself up with an obnoxious snore (MY obnoxious snore), and hear the attendent coming by for the last trash pick-up. So yeah, slept through them trying to give me my cup of coffee. Slept through the entire flight. So, how long and how loud do you think my snoring might have been? The fact that my throat felt a little sore right after I woke up just leads me deeper into despair - clearly I was sawing away for awhile. Mortified.

I'm here in Albuquerque at the Marriott. It's kinda nice. The lounge has a giant waterfall and its pretty empty and I have a chicken sandwich on its way. And I have wireless access. I love wireless access. I had it for free at the Phoenix airport this afternoon. Which was good, because my flight was delayed for a very long time.

I got to talk with Jessica and Joshua for a heartbeat - Maggie was taking Josh to work and Jessica was going with him to hang out watching movies all day. Next time she visits she'll have to hang out at his new workplace - Starbucks! Josh is a barista again! Better pay than the movie theatre gig. I imagine the plan is that he can walk to work.

Tomorrow night I head to Santa Fe - I get to stay there two nights which is very exciting to me because I almost NEVER get to stay two nights in the same hotel. Thursday I will get to do a little sightseeing - it's a travel day for me because it's a five hour drive to Las Cruces, so I'm going to spend some of that day being a tourist in Santa Fe!

Just finished the chicken sandwich. Trying to decide if I can handle the french fries. Eyelids are drooping...


At 6:29 AM, Blogger Bruce Penman said...


Use french fries to prop eyelids open.

At 6:42 AM, Blogger maggie said...

Hey, next time you have very long lay over in Phoenix let us know and we'll come visit you. Our house is only 20 minutes or so from the airport.

At 3:24 PM, Blogger Jen said...

I almost can guarantee that you did not snore on the plane other than the little snort cause you would have woken yourself up. I do that sometimes, head falls to the side, perfect position for little snorts. But I always wake up. There is no way you were sleeping that soundly unless you took something to get you to sleep. No way, no how. Okay, do you feel better about it?

At 6:29 PM, Blogger Andrea said...

I don't know if I believe you, Jen...

I didn't think my layover was going to be as long as it was! Flight was delayed an hour so I actually sat at the airport for a few hours. That airport is very busy! Constant activity.

I watched a bunch of very young guys who were on their way to Marine Bootcamp. They seemed so young and scared and excited. They all gathered around another young man who had just completed bootcamp and was on his way to his first duty station (or maybe home for a visit?) - the best part was when he started removing his uniform to show them his new tattoo. I'm sure it was something Semper Fi-ish.

And while I was entertained by their antics and proud to see young people still interested in serving their country, I mainly felt sick at heart that they were going to be sent off to Iraq.

Two of the guys were standing in line behind me at a food place and I listened in on their conversation. The less savvy guy was telling his very strac(k) comrade that he had expressed an interest online in getting information about enlisting and that two recruiters subsequently showed up at his door. I found that...disturbing.

At 6:48 PM, Blogger Jen said...

Is it possible that this guy expressed enough interest at the right places that they showed up? If he was an idiot, he may have signed up and not evven have known it! OK, maybe not.


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