Big Wheel Keeps on Spinning
New Mexico was big, lonely, filled with gorgeous light and vistas, and populated by some pretty friendly folks. When I was in Santa Fe, two employees from the Secretary of State's department came to take the course. One of the women gave me a driving tour of Santa Fe after the class and then walked all through the government buildings introducing me to people and showing me all of the art (pretty impressive in both quantityand quality) and sneaking me into the governor's wing and the legislature meeting hall. How nice was that?!?
On my last day I went and had delicious food at a place called Tucano's Brazilian Grill. Basically, a big salad bar with staffers who bring around giant skewers of different meats prepared differently that they slice off at your table. I wish I had been hungrier - a flavorful treat for a carnivore. With the added bonus of fried bananas!
But the moment I remember best is driving up the interstate in the late afternoon when the sunlight is molten gold and the skies are turning dark and furious and the desert foothills and mountains are brilliantly, richly lighted against the backdrop of ominous skies - and you hold your hand up in the light and think this is what your skin would look like dipped in honey.
The other thing that has piqued my interest is the spaceport they are building out in the desert near Las Cruces - or that they INTEND to build. Apparently Mr. Virgin Atlantic himself has already signed on to have a terminal there. Yes - a commercial space travel spot. New Mexico is a fascinating place.
Work is... interesting. Sara had her last day a week ago - on that same day Amelia and Mike turned in their notice. Our department is rapidly shrinking. I don't think they understand how awful their new programs are - the school programs and the freelance instructors - they suck. The job itself - standing in front of a room full of folks chatting about somehting you know a lot about - that's still cool. But it makes me want to be a teacher. A real teacher. And I don't know how to do that. So for now, I will enjoy notary law and I will enjoy my travels. I get to go to New York again this month - this time with Hank - it should be fun.
Erin was just down here for Spring Break - I suspect she was pretty bored - especially when I killed her car and left her without transportation. But we drove back up to Berkeley last night and she is safely in her apartment once more.
Tomorrow I am driving up to David and Donna's to steal their treadmill. I am feeling very motivated. I joined Ballys - which does NOT excite me - but they are all over the place so I thought I might use them when I travel if the hotel doesn't have anything to offer. So I'll combine working out and treamilling and maybe get myself back into the exercise habit.
By the way, I am FINALLY a real live Notary. Got my commission - Jason swore me in to office tonight - I just have to mail off the proper documents to the county clerk and I am gold. I have my seal and my journal, I am ready to go! Give me a week and I can notarize for you!
Wowee, Andrea! You should write a book about travel! Or cooking (hand dipped in honey).
Can you notarize from afar? How will you stamp my documents? I think my bank does it for free. Actually I know they do. You're off the hook.
Glad you're having (what seems to be) fun. Are they going to right the ship at work? Why is it that everywhere you go you end up being the only one that stays and you become over-worked and underpaid? DON'T LET THAT HAPPEN TO YOU. I just came up with an idea for you: Registered Nurse. They make big money and there is a huge need. Just a thought. You could write books about it after you do it.
I was just thinking that I am going to have to stop blogging. Andrea is intimidating me. That honey thing was just too professional. Either that or I am going to have to step it up a bit and get more ethereal when I write. I'll pay more attention to the scenery as I drive up to Missoula. I am sure I will find things to write about after the wedding. It's all going to be richy rich I would imagine. Congrats on making it to notary, it must help when talking to crowds to be able to say, hey, I did it, I know what I am talking about.
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