Late to the Dance

Life really did get better at 40. Not perfect, but better. Great job, bad, bad hair, good TV, bad books, not enough exercise, bad doctor, a few good flicks, loser in the "relationship" department, good visits with Erin... See, lots of good stuff but too many bad things that I still have to work out. So this is me, working it out.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

These boots were made for walkin'

Maybe not boots... Treadmill is in and its in use. Mom has been using it and I got in 45 minutes tonight. YAY! Thank you David and Donna! As long as I have something to do while I'm treading, it's cool. Tonight it was learning my new NSA script...


At 12:12 AM, Blogger Jen said...

how did you get the treadmill home in your little cars? And why are you quoting country/western songs?

At 3:44 PM, Blogger Andrea said...

I have never considered Nancy Sinatra CW - but if you say so...

We rented a cargo van - so heavy. The treadmill, not the van. Although the van is probably heavy too.

How are you?

At 5:44 PM, Blogger Bruce Penman said...

Dear Andrea,

Thank you for making an entry in your blog. Every little glimpse into your life is brief, but vital, breath of fresh air.

I am glad you are getting your endorphins going. I should only be so lucky. Actually, I golfed today. And I am golfing again tomorrow. Tournament thingy. I am SORE ALREADY. What a wuss I am.

At 8:47 PM, Blogger Bruce Penman said...


Hey, I was trying to help you get more clients today. There was only one notary at my bank, and she was busy so I tried to convince a kid working at the bank to go to one of your seminars.

Do you guys pay sales commissions to family?


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