Late to the Dance

Life really did get better at 40. Not perfect, but better. Great job, bad, bad hair, good TV, bad books, not enough exercise, bad doctor, a few good flicks, loser in the "relationship" department, good visits with Erin... See, lots of good stuff but too many bad things that I still have to work out. So this is me, working it out.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Oy Vey - is that how it is spelled?

Jennifer has stopped checking my face for new disease outbreaks. Maybe I am finally adjusting to Arizona. My lungs have been clear for WEEKS now.

Subbing high school went okay - and now I have a contract to teach there next year. The students make me a little crazy and the classroom situation has me frustrated - it'a a big computer lab - but it's a great experience and it will give me time to get my professional credentials in order. It's summer break and I have to find a money-earning position right away. Fingers are crossed.

If you've been following Jen's posts you know that she has gotten quite serious with her work-outs. So I decided I had better step it up also. I had fallen off the exercise wagon during the yearbook and graduation video period because I was woprking so late every night. But I don't have that excuse now. We went to watch Maggie run (and swim and bike) her way through a triathlon and that inspired me! Inspired me to NEVER become a triathlete. Seriously - they work too hard. In direct sunlight. But it did remind me that I have a long way to go. Some days the journey seems impossible. I have that negative voice that says I'll do okay for a month and then backslide. That I will always be fat. After all, I've been fat for half of my life.

At the start of the week I could run about 3 minutes at a time on the treadmill. Run three, rest 6. Or something like that. Then I pushed it to run 6, rest 4. Yesterday I ran 7, rested 3, ran 7, rested 3, ran 7 rested 3. And then a nice long cool down. Today I decided to just keep running as long as the skinny girl next to me was running. That didn't quite work out, but I did walk 3, run 14, rest 2, run 6, rest 2, run 3, and then a nice long cool down. So, 14 was a lot for me...

My butt hurts, my thighs are burning, and my knees are soooooo not happy with me. And my blood sugar isn't really responding the way I would hope it would. But I am sick and tired of hating this body so I either learn to love it (HAH) or I change it.

Next year I am going to be teaching Yearbook and Journalism/Newspaper Production. Wouldn't it be cool if I had ever done those things in high school? I'm also going to be teaching Basic Computer and Advanced Computer Skills. Word, Excel, Power Point - that sort of thing. And maybe a Creative Writing class. Or an Art Appreciation class. Apparently I am going to be teaching all of the elective type courses since I am not certified to teach a core class. I take my English exam on June 10th but since they couldn't count on me becoming "Highly Qualified" in English before the school year started, they can't give me a regular class. I sound bitter - but I'm not. I'm actually really excited about most of those classes. I just wish my students were going to be excited!

Okay - dinner is on the table. And it smells FANTASTIC.

One last thing - I am so excited about the upcoming trip to CA - to see everyone, to see ERIN!
